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twilightprotege 13-04-2005 08:14 PM

EOI : Microtech GB and tune
well kiddies, some of you already know that a few people are interested in getting a microtech ecu and getting it tuned. so why not GB it? cheaper to buy the units and cheaper to install and tune as it should take less time to tune 5 cars (etc) than 1 car individually.

I dont have prices yet, but i am going to contact mazfix at springwood, kp performance at salisbury and dyson rotary at labrador. i'd like to be able to go to them in around 3-4 weeks with definate numbers. kiddies this WILL require atleast a $50-$100 initial deposit each before i go to them so i can show them we're serious, coz getting a quote for 8 people, having them order in the ecu's then only going through with 3 would really really suck for us and them.

i'm really really hoping we could get them installed and tuned for a decent amount under $1500. gav was quoted (over the phone) $2k, but i'm sure that was a top price and seeing them in person with cash to fork over and confirming a few cars will get the price well down.

so far those who are interested are myself, chicaboo, puppa snert and boostedbatperson. gav and I will be getting the LT-8s model (used for the 4's) and pete will be getting the LT-12s (used for the 6's). for info see

so who's in?

chicaboo 13-04-2005 08:53 PM

We need to talk to Archie again from Mazfix, he actually quoted me standard price of $1900 for manuals and $2100 for autos (tuned in 3d matrix mode). But now the auto is no more we'll be pressing them down on the $1900, so I think $1500 is pretty doable.
This is a very good mod peoples, my whole exhaust would've been close to $1400 by the time it was finished, so a technical item like this would be well worth it.
I don't know if people will all be able to do it in 3-4 weeks, we can ask them what spread of time the group buy can run over for the agreed price. They can't tune 8 cars all at once afterall. Ummm, I dunno if I'd have my cams done by then too, and I don't wanna pay another $300-400 every time I make a change on my car and need new tuning....

coldie123 13-04-2005 10:15 PM

I wish I could afford this right now... how much would it cost for the ecu alone in this GB? (no tuning since i'm in sydney).
Can't wait to see some dyno numbers!

chicaboo 13-04-2005 10:31 PM

LT-8S costs $1050rrp.

coldie123 13-04-2005 10:37 PM

Would the ecu be much cheaper due to the group buy, or is the savings mainly on the tuning side? Cheers.

platypus 14-04-2005 12:02 AM

what exactly needs to be setup... if you had a 1.8 a 2.0 and a 1.6 (talking BJ here) tuned up then couldn't you save the settings, and transfer them around?

boostedbatman 14-04-2005 05:30 AM

The new engine wont be complete for a while yet Andy as you are aware due to my job placement since leaving my old firm but I will definately be in on the purchase and get it tuned later so if other southerners want a cheaper purchase they should be able to also sort out a purchase price with the GB.

Originally Posted by ahb11m
what exactly needs to be setup... if you had a 1.8 a 2.0 and a 1.6 (talking BJ here) tuned up then couldn't you save the settings, and transfer them around?

I would say this is possible but as each car has different mods and behaves differently it is worth getting it tuned properly due to the amount of data required for the tune to be successful, you wont find the SAME setting on any car as the they may be close when your putting your complete tune in the hands of an EMS and spending around $1500 you want to be sure your engine is happy with what you are doing to it. Just because you may have the same engine as another for example you may need a different spark or have a different CAI/Exhaust etc all these thing will change the setting on the dyno so you are best spending a bit more on tuning and getting the Microtech configured to your setup

platypus 14-04-2005 06:54 AM

yeah i knew that much, i was thinking adjust the ecu a lil bit, as it would be close enough to run i'd think...

twilightprotege 14-04-2005 07:20 AM

dur, i just realised that i didnt say "we'll go to them in 3-4 weeks, then arrange everything for 8 weeks". woops.

savings will be on everything, purchase, install and tune 14-04-2005 12:59 PM

I have a microtech in my BA... The microtech guys should have it pre-programmed before you get it. Then it should go in and be ready to go. But will not go prefectly until u put it on a dyno.

I live on the Sunshine Coast and had to go to Maxfix to go it dynoed. By the time we were half way down we had the thing pretty much turned. It was funny running down the Bruce Highway between speeds of 40kmph and 160kpmh. It took 35minutes on the dyno and we were finished.

What I'm trying to say is that the dyno time should be minimal for you guys as it should be pregrommed and someone will have had their car done before yours on the dynos. The mapping points will only need minor tweeking as Pete pointed out in the previous post.

All up it costed me $1300.00. Any more over $1500.00 would be a total rip off.


twilightprotege 14-04-2005 01:04 PM

yeah it's just a matter of going to them and waiving the cash in front of them and say gimme gimme gimme

arden 14-04-2005 03:56 PM

What kind of gains am i expected to achieve with the Microtech?
Is it worthwhile for me for the mods i got?Or should i also upgrade cams?? 14-04-2005 05:08 PM

That is a very good question!!!

Depends on what sort of gains that ur looking for. The computer is the most exspensive mod for any car. Some people think that a new ECU is a waste of money for your car because the money can be spent elsewhere on cheaper mods. I have had words over this issue before with a fellow AGT member.

Anywayz, back to your question:- U have a larger diameter exhaust/extractor and ram intake system. Your car is now sucking/exhaling more air than standard and you have gained some kW's. Your car is still thinking that it is sucking the same amount of air because the ECU tells you it is.

Some things a programmable ECU can do for you:-

More BHP/kW's (depends on engine/mods/etc)
Better fuel comsumpion (I gained 50km per tank)
Smoother running (reaches redline quicker)

If you had a fully programable computer then you can change the settings and uterlise the extra air better than the standard computer does. This is only one example of what a ECU can do.

I hope I didn't go too rocket-sciencetist on you. I tried to explain it as best I could.


P.S. Yeah, do the cams also if you got the cash.

boostedbatman 14-04-2005 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Microtech website
X4 and X6 Ignition Module Boxes NEW Product$150.00 AUD

The X4 and X6 Ignition Module Boxes are used in direct fire applications. The X4 has 4 channel output (4 cyl outputs) and X6 has 6 outputs. These are used in conjunction with LT8S LT10S and LT12S ECU's . We have chosen to now run external boxes rather than internal igniters as we once did , enabling us to run more advanced hardware on the boards to cope with our new IGBT Ignition boost function which is available on LT10S and LT12S ECU's as a standard feature.
For my next question would this be worth looking into also for a smidgen more as an option and would the gains be worth it as an addition. I am not so knowledgable in this area so I will leave it up to someone else to figure it out 14-04-2005 07:33 PM

Just like Coil Packs:-

Smoother idle
Bigger spark
Smoother accel


twilightprotege 14-04-2005 07:40 PM

arden - atleast, and this is an absolute least, 15whp at the wheels. i expect to get somewhere above 20-25whp. i might even get 30whp increase.

it is commonly reckognised as the single best power mod per dollar of any mod for an NA car.

but also, since gav will be wanting an exhaust cam very very soon, maybe we should think of a GB for them too? the program i use (dyno2003) to check cam specs say the stock intake cam is pretty close to right (a tiny bit small) for max area under the power curve from 3500rpm-7000rpm, but the exhaust cam is very weak.

bat - i guess what means we need to get them since the new models dont have internal igniters?

boostedbatman 14-04-2005 07:57 PM

Yeah and you know what kind of cams I will be getting so I need all the help I can get

chicaboo 14-04-2005 08:33 PM

Andrew, can I buy your old exhaust cam and have it reground? I wouldn't mind doing that if it's ok with you, this way I will still have a clean set of 1.8 cams if I ever boost and need to remove the lumpy cams...

Tublade 15-04-2005 10:34 AM

Are you guys still doing that GB? If so i'll be interested in getting the Microtech too.

twilightprotege 15-04-2005 12:00 PM


boostedbatman 16-04-2005 04:39 AM

when you get yours Dwayne you should see if you can get a tuning map for the BP-T as well so when you do that transplant you will be able to turn the key and get to some where to set it up for you. You will need a Laptop to get the alternate program running though.
Just food for thought

chicaboo 16-04-2005 10:43 AM

While we're on that track, does the LTXXs come with some kind of port/cable that allows connection to a laptop? I've already got my laptop rigged so that it can read a Gtech live, just need a compadré to hold the laptop and say SLOW MAN...

platypus 16-04-2005 11:04 AM

its an optional extra... but having a look at it it looks like a null modem, but apparnatly the unit itself stores data, rather than you store it to the computer... have a look around the microtech website, it was listed under accessories

CRA23 16-04-2005 11:38 AM

what will happen to the vris on the k series engines when u install the microtech???? cos the LT12 only has 1 aux out which will only control one solonoid

is there anyway of gettin one with 2 aux outs to control the other vris??

thx tim

Tublade 16-04-2005 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by boostedbatman
when you get yours Dwayne you should see if you can get a tuning map for the BP-T as well so when you do that transplant you will be able to turn the key and get to some where to set it up for you. You will need a Laptop to get the alternate program running though.
Just food for thought

Yeah i was going to ask them cos i was going to get them to install my engine for me too. Cos they told me when i went and got a quote last time that it would be cheaper if i had a new ecu then my standard one. 16-04-2005 04:39 PM

Yes you can do that!

When i brought my LTX I got the BPT program anf just modified it to suit non turbo. When the turbo goes in I'll just be able to re-install the turbo map points into the ECU. A very easy job.


Cosmo Dude 16-04-2005 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Pope|z0r
is there anyway of gettin one with 2 aux outs to control the other vris??

thx tim

The folk at make a VRIS controller. It would be better if it was controlled by the Microtech but eh...
VRIS, VICS, DEI or whatever else Mazda want to call it is only effective in NA applications.

boostedbatman 16-04-2005 05:17 PM

I was hoping theat I would be able to get that to work for me now I am a happy chappy

CRA23 16-04-2005 09:48 PM

from my searchings they closed down i and i cant find anywhere that make them
and there site is :) but that doesnt work and i cant find anything else on it.

pete what one u hoping to work, mircotech or vris tuner

boostedbatman 17-04-2005 05:47 AM

Tim I was referring to them both working together
seeing that rpmtuners are now defunct I have been lookin for another source for VRIS tuning and this is what I have come up with although I need a lot more time to understand it all.
Not that I have ever attempted to build any electronic equipment before
I just cant seem to find a supplier for an off shelf unit and I have spent a ****eload of time searching
My Question is: Who has the balls to try to build this???

Cosmo Dude 17-04-2005 08:06 AM

You're thinking too hard!
Use a shift light circuit to drive the VRIS

chicaboo 17-04-2005 10:38 AM

If the VRIS just operates in an open close position I'm sure Jcar have something that'll work based on revs. And don't worry about building something yourself, Andrew and I have done it before, did it work? Ummm, well sort of...
Anyhow, it was pretty much my first time soldering, but I still impressed myself when all the solder joints worked. But I still can't "tint" wires for **** though... I'll have a look through my Jcar magazine later and see if I can find anything that relates to what you need.


Nate 17-04-2005 10:38 AM

i stilll like the idea of the delco ecu ... it has merits and is cheap and ... i have no money at the momment so im out ... next on my list is stoppers

Tublade 17-04-2005 01:10 PM

yeah i'm in the same boat as Nate i'm strapped for cash too, if you guys can hold off until like around tax time, i'll have enough to get the LT-8 but until then i'll be trying to squeez every little cent i have.

chicaboo 17-04-2005 01:32 PM

Yeah, I know people are anxious to get it done pronto, but the point of a Group Buy is to get it to work out cheaper for everyone. Personally the later you guys can leave it the better for me. Because I need to get the twilight enhanced adjustable cam gears and exhaust cam done before I can worry about the LT8S...
Oh, and then I also have an underdrive pulley to do before all this aswell, If I can finish all my engine mods in the next 2 months I tihnk I should be ok to do the Microtech closer to the end of the financial year. Since other people are in the same boat I reckon another 2-4 weeks wouldn't hurt too much.

Rupewrecht 17-04-2005 05:31 PM

my VICS is actuated by one of the (5) aux inputs of the Wolf as it's just an on/off thing

same thing as the VRIS

shame the Miroguess only has one aux

Cosmo Dude 17-04-2005 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Rupewrecht
my VICS is actuated by one of the (5) aux inputs of the Wolf as it's just an on/off thing

But the VICS (VRIS, DEI) is vacuum controlled. DEI was first used in the 1983 13B RE Super Injection but never used on turbo applications.
Question: What do you group buyers intend using the one programable output for?

Rupewrecht 17-04-2005 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Cosmo Dude
But the VICS (VRIS, DEI) is vacuum controlled. DEI was first used in the 1983 13B RE Super Injection but never used on turbo applications.

don't ask me how Pete@Rank got it to work, but he did

not that it makes much difference on the turbo app.

chicaboo 17-04-2005 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Cosmo Dude
Question: What do you group buyers intend using the one programable output for?

On the BJs we have a butterfly to control in the intake manifold, I think that is called VICS? Anyhow, if it turns out to be vacuum actuated we might be able to just leave it alone...

Cosmo Dude 17-04-2005 08:01 PM

VICS has a solenoid that operates a vacuum to the actuator at a given RPM.
That makes it an electromechanicalvac device :D

The question above was how to operate the VRIS because the Microwank has only one aux output. That would have me believe that the only aux output was earmarked for something else. Not the VRIS/VICS/DEI solenoid.

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