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Sam_323 21-08-2007 06:01 PM

Cruize - Sept. 16th!
Sunday 16th, I'll organise a cruize!

will be for all astinas, and i guess the laser cousins as well!
Not sure yet on where to go, but will make it worth the while.
Possibly up the Gorge, and on...
anyone in sa, I'll make up some notices or something for others to put on random astinas to share the glory of, and to come along on this cruize.

Let us know what you think!!


RedLineResident 21-08-2007 06:12 PM

Im in. Astina exclusive or can we have a few odd cars here and there. Id bring the white GTi along if I could.

GISS-90BG 21-08-2007 06:16 PM

I'll be there with bells on.

Just took delivery of my car, so would be great to meet you guys and cruise.

Looking forward to it, give me a shout if you want a hand with any organisation. Maps etc...

-Tom ( - msn if you need)

RedLineResident 21-08-2007 06:28 PM

Hey guys on the other thread I threw in the idea of combining our cruze with the Gti's. How do you feel about that. Me and Sam tagged along on their cruze on Sunday and they had good pace. Damn zippy things!!! Their handbrakes are SH*T tho. (Long story, kinda funny as well) let us know what you think about the idea. The more the merrier right?

GISS-90BG 21-08-2007 06:51 PM

Yeah I agree, more the merrier. I'm happy to cruise alongside Commo's to Ferraris as long as all the drivers and guests are mature people who are considerate of others cars and respect everybodies tastes.

RedLineResident 21-08-2007 06:56 PM

Exactly right. I like the atmosphere of more and more importantly diverse cars. As long as the people are nice friendly, capable drivers and responsible then by all means I would love them there.

Sam_323 21-08-2007 07:05 PM

excellent.... didnt know i'd have more than 2 in so quickly...awsome.
nuts to commodores tho, they're pretty much on all cruises anyway(being so many of them)
anywho, drop me some ideas of where to go, and how to grab people's attention, and we'll try and make a dvd or something of it, even if the footage is all jumpy, and 2 mins long...
(Good job to your mate Mick, cheers for that, will actually be able to improve myself!)
and yeah, the more the merrier.....

good to see some new people... being all of you, really!

GISS-90BG 21-08-2007 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sam_323 (Post 141332)
nuts to commodores tho, they're pretty much on all cruises anyway(being so many of them)

Wasn't really suggesting Commodores. Was just making the point that I don't have beef with any car or any driver unless they prove themself to be a wanka. Which, unfortunately, alot of Commo drivers do.

On to routes... I did a cruise with SASupra club recently through the hills up to St. Kilda, that big rec park down there, was a really good route. Don't know if any of you have done it before but some great windy roads with excellent scenery. Happy to get maps of cruise that we used.

RedLineResident 21-08-2007 07:49 PM

Havent been there. Would be fun. Winding roads are a pre requesent. Anything else is irrelevant. Lobethol is one I do sometimes, Birdwood again sometimes. St Kilda im definately up 4 provided I get the day off.

Sam was there a lot of windscreen glare on that footage? I imagine there would be being a sunny day with heaps of shady areas but I wasn't about to kick my mate onto the window seal to get some descent stuff.

gti-013 22-08-2007 04:26 PM

fliers :D 5min job!

RedLineResident 22-08-2007 05:52 PM

Good job man, What about a date for the cruze. Will you mention that? Anyways, should be fun. We need lots of cars, lots of cameras and we'll wing it from there.

BTW if this is a flyer to get people to join AGT and not for the cruze then I withdraw my comment above.

gti-013 22-08-2007 07:02 PM

could write the cruise date on the back but mainly to get people on the site then they can view the cruise posts and decide if they want to go

RedLineResident 22-08-2007 07:53 PM

It took me a while to get familiar with the site, and even now I don't know what the hell is going on sometimes, that is by no means a complaint. Im just saying that there is a lot of content and takes a while to source through all of it somtimes.

Im up for the idea of having very brief cruze details on the back. Like date and time and place of meet. Don't take this the wrong way man, you've got brilliant initiative and this is by no means criticism, just an idea. It may reasult in a better turnout.

gti-013 22-08-2007 11:54 PM

yeah good point it isnt the best laid out forum ive ever seen

Mckensy 23-08-2007 12:21 AM

This is great! Another cruise! I'm IN! and this time I'm bringing my own camera so I can get some pics! Any plans on where to go? Gorge is pretty nice??

RedLineResident 23-08-2007 10:05 AM

Gorge is damn scary. been there twice and trying to keep up with all the other psychos who know it back to front on stock suspension and over flated tires was hmmm, how do i put this, slipery and unpredictable.

Gorge is a good idea tho, I really enjoyed it and would do it again in a heart beat. ill draw some sort of plan today and post it, let me know what you think when you see it.

gti-013 23-08-2007 04:38 PM

stop complaining! hurry up and get your suspension in :) lol you could have it in by then couldnt you?

RedLineResident 23-08-2007 04:49 PM

Hope so. I gotta complain in the mean time tho, waht else can i do. What will really upset me is after all this whining, if that suspension does jack and I still lean and slide. I will be really peeved off.

Here's you driving 700kg's of car mm's off the ground, having a go at me. If im not as talented or as brave as everyone else I will blame the car. Isn't that a natural thing to do. :-)

GISS-90BG 23-08-2007 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by RedLineResident (Post 141511)
If im not as talented or as brave as everyone else I will blame the car. Isn't that a natural thing to do. :-)

I second that motion.

I just got new tyres so should be nice and sticky through the corners.

gti-013 23-08-2007 08:31 PM

i wasnt saying your not talented lol ive seen you guys do lobethal!!!, dont worry dude your suspension will make a massive difference, even if it isnt really stiff the lower centre of gravity will help a lot.

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