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Old 14-09-2006, 03:45 AM   #17
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You should actually put it down too. Do want turbo or not.

Because simpley once you bolt in the largest most powerfull N/A v6 the 2.5L Ze - where do you go to get more ? - yes I know you will say this that this and that but, How much for Cam's ECU - how much gain. Not many V6's going N/A making much more then 220HP flywheel. Most problery onyl making 210HP flywheel here in Australia.
with what 250NM ?
Now with the BP you giving away an easy 700cc or so. but using the BPT you easliy get the torque with an exhaust fitted.
But once you get 220HP out of the BPT at flywheel which is not much really for BPT.
When you do go further which has been done and is easily achived. you do run into a common problem ?

GEARBOX. which even with 220HP at the flywheel you would have run into by then or maybe not so but you will do so

Now you might say yeah but V6 is cheaper - IS IT ?
no conversion is cheap.
I've mostly only been on RWd conversion with the odd FWD here and there but in most cases i've always said why not buy it in the first place.

for example cost a of BA v6 versus GE Mx-6/626. if you want a KL-ZE the Mx-6 626 is much easier swap and - the weight penltey on 626 hatch is not much (Mx-6 is alot lighter) especially if you add in the fact you move up to a nicer bigger car versus the BA. I have BA sorry they are cheap in comaprisson to the 626 series. Even the older 626 has much better feel, but yet old.
but look at the current 2nd hand prices,

I'm not putting down anyone doing it. In fact I say GOOD ON YA.

If I had the time and was not restricted to turbo only ( I'm stuck with turbo or V8)
Well I might do it. but as I don't use the Astina, I bought it for my mother to use. I t can stay but I do look out for a KL-ZE auto package.

Next thing Supercharge it or if you want Turbo the bastard
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