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Old 12-08-2007, 10:26 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by DavoAust View Post
the major issue is that pretty much every guy i know whose on his P's acts like hes bulletproof..

btw, i'm 18 and on my P's. bitch away
Pretty much agree with that, doesn't give people the right to stereotype to the degree they do though. Relates to my bad driving complaints which is the driving of a lot of people who arn't male P platers - the school run mums, city drivers, elderly and generally complacent people who just are completely un-consciousness. Really annoys me when all I hear is bagging of car lovers and people condeming cruising and young drivers and then I get tailgated doing 60 in peak hour traffic.

Other day I was on ANZAC Highway (triple lane main road) being followed by a lady in a BA Falcon when a traffic in front slowed down to ~20kmph for some unknown reason. Saw her come flying towards rear of my car, swerves and misses the back right of my car by cm's without braking then almost runs up the ass of the guy in the right lane. Pulled beside her and saw she wasn't even remotely flustered by the fact she'd almost just rear ended two people and she proceeded to cruise off 10kms over speed limit. Just makes me shake my head.

Oh well, good venting thread.
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