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Old 29-06-2009, 11:52 AM   #174
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Lol was driving down bradman avenue yesterday with my parents, ( its pretty much a road parallel to the river) anyway mum's hanging back from the car in front and all of a sudden this nissan patrol pulls straight out from a side road didn't look best part he also has a trailer on the back the length of another nissan patrol, so he cuts in and drives up the arse of the car infront as we come to the lights he pulls into the straight on lane

The light to go straight goes to green and he pulls out infront of the traffic and turns right, nearly cut up a brand new audi r8.

Bad driver or what?

Originally Posted by lovemyBG View Post
if youre from melbourne, then you will most likely know what im talking about.
on the tulla, coming up to the airport.. taxi drivers that sit in the right hand lane until the VERY LAST SECOND when they then decide to cut right across the left lane and straight into the exit to the airport.. annoying when you're sitting behind them and they suddenly slam on the brakes coz they're not going to get across at that speed, and even more annoying when you're in the left lane and they cut you off.

oh and on the western ring road, on the way to bundoora from the airport, the trucks that sit in the right hand lane going 10kms under the speed limit.. drives me crazy every day on the way to uni...

as does people on the phone.. like one lady i was stuck behind the other day... i was on my way to uni in bundoora, going over the michelham rd overpass where there was a lane of merging traffic.. she was in front of me in her p.o.s ford focus so i slowed down to let her in.. instead of merging like a normal person would have, she stopped. i waved her through and she didnt move, so i sped up.. then she proceeded to cut across behind me into the right hand lane, then at the exit to the ring rd, cut back in front of me again.. now once again we had to merge.. and once again she stopped completed and waited until there were no cars at all. i beeped my horn, flashed her and everything... and got nothing. she eventually moved onto the freeway at which point i overtook her, only to see that she was chatting away on the phone. grrrrrr. stupid people. ive had my licence 9 months and even i know how to merge safely!!!

oh and one more thing.. people who sit behind me and abuse me as i do the roadwork speeds. i know the speeds of 60kph and 40kph on a road that is usually 100kph are stupid, but those are the rules and as a p-plater i only have 5 demerit points so i cant afford to lose any like you fully licenced drivers can. and the whole, "if theres no car on the side of the road its safe to speed" theory doesn't work anymore coz they now use cameras in moving cars in my area. very annoying. i get flashed, tooted, screamed at, i could go on for hours.. just coz i follow the rules.

gotta love the joys of driving.

Lol yeah the Roadworks things are annoying but 5 points ain't a lot i have 4 per year on my p's so i know the pain lol my mate lost 3 of the 4 points in 1 go speeding and because of this i follow the road rules. But why we get abused for following the rules its stupid if they want to drive fast why can't they move to a third world country where road rules don't apply.

Originally Posted by Ice88 View Post
Theres sledging bourbs and then there are police officers who are actually twats.

Got pulled over on Sat night in a bright pink eagle boys car with eagle boys written all over it.

Cops: "Where you going at this hour sir?" (its 10PM)

Me: "Mountain Creek" (i actually said the address but wont post it)

Cops: "Why?"

Me: "Well im delivering pizzas *point to pizzas*" (there was 12 of them ffs you can miss a stack that big)

Afterwards they asked me to do RBT, checked rego, asked me who owned the car. What usually takes me 15 minutes took me about 25-30 minutes.

Next delivery i get pulled over by same cops for RBT. (10 mintues after i got back to store)

Lol gotta love the sunny coast police!
Do u work at the kawana eagle boys?

Last edited by Rix; 29-06-2009 at 01:35 PM.
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