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Old 26-03-2012, 11:37 AM   #31
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I"ll just bumpy up Smurfy's old thread. My plan has ran out as of the 30th for my iPhone 4. My mother needs a new phone, so i agreed i would get a new one and she can have my 4 (She doesn't care for phones, as long as it rings and texts ) Now, the iPhone 4s doesn't tickle my fancy, i don't give a S*ite for siri. So i'm thinking of going to the dark side and going Android.

I know NOTHING about android, i've had a iPhone since the first gen. My choices are:
Samsung galexy Note (Its HUGEEEE, only thing is holding me back is the size)
HTC Sensation XL (No expandable memory )
I don't want the Samsung Galexy S2, everyone has one if they don't have a iPhone, i like to be difficult haha.

Android fans, tell me about it. What the hell is ice cream sandwich and how is it different? Are there most of the apps i have on the iPhone? Tell me why you think its better.
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