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Old 17-01-2006, 03:15 PM   #5
Pandaspeed Racing
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I didnt mind mr and mrs smith ... bit of action, had a followable storyline and lots of explosions. Besides who goes to the movies to watch them

yeah a family van shouldnt be giving the bmws a hard time but then again your fully sik checker plate floor shouldnt fall out when you blow a head gasket and im pretty sure i have never seen an evo do 100 in reverse! every movie has them and to the general punter that has no idea about cars its probably half believable!

anyway i she has been tomb raided now so aleast you wonthave to put up with a move from her for a while skippy!

worst movie ever - redline, australian wannabe fast and the furious movie ... its so bad its funny!

Life would be straight without twisties STOCK AS A ROCKET!

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Last edited by Nate; 17-01-2006 at 03:19 PM.
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