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Old 17-08-2006, 11:08 AM   #12
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Thanks to everyone that replied to this thread.
I do understand the differences between AGT and other clubs cruises, but we had a schmozzle with 2 cruises on the same weekend and members of both clubs had to choose. This is really what I'm looking at trying to avoid.
There are also those members that believe a cruise is driving at irresponsible speeds for hours and hours at a time. I will admit to you all that I cannot do that with my health at it's current standard - or lack thereof.

I do like the overnight idea.
If we want to do something like that, then definately not during the hottest part of the year.

What about an Easter Weekend Cruise? Not sure when that is on in 2007, but it is usually April/May. People get some time off work, and with enough notice, surely most people can not let themselves get double booked for other events.

I certainly vote Red Frog as Cruise Co-Ordinator (memory flashback: Julie - from the Love Boat!) The Frog does excellent recon on the roads and area, provides maps so everyone knows where they are going, ensures facilities at stops as well as having meaningful/entertaining stops that aren't all standing around with bonnets up.

It's good to have a variety so that lots of people can choose to either look under bonnets or go and have a nice meal or go and look at some tourist attraction in the local area.

I think up North is an excellent idea. I have been to Byron Bay once, and would love a chance to see that area again. Aaron and I also travelled the inland route in February, so we can recommend Dubbo (the Zoo is amazing).

For any mexicans that want to travel for this shindig, our home is open to any and all to stop over. We can do a 'road trip' to meet up with our Sydney members and then head on up North.
The QLD members of AGT always put an effort into travelling for these big cruises, so I think North is a wonderful idea. Although we have family in Coffs Harbour, we are not interested in visiting them.

I love Frogs idea of campfire n fun, as long as I don't have to sleep in a tent please?
Cabins would be nice, and if we booked for 2 days, it gives everyone some time together as well as the opportunity to do fun stuff in the area.
because I have suggested the Easter Weekend, we really do need to think about booking ASAP as we all know that Easter can be a nightmare to find accom if we don't plan ahead. The other option might be March, as it isn't too close to Xmas or easter, and isn't searingly hot everywhere you go. If we are travelling North, we can go closer to winter and get lovely weather. Lets face it, anything is better than winter in ACT lol

I'm going to go and look at some of the local tourism websites, and with any luck, I will post some linky links for everyone to have a squizz at.

Cheers and lets keep this bubbling along and ensure we all have a fantastic event for people so that we can ensure a good time is had by everyone
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